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Know the Process Involved in Permanent Hair Removal

Permanent Hair Removal

Unwanted body hair is a nuisance to almost every woman. As a woman, we always dream of having sleek, soft and smooth skin but now we can have that forever with the help of technology and science. Permanent hair removal is a new and innovative process of removing unwanted hair using laser technology.

Centuries ago women used natural ingredients to get rid of unwanted hair. With the gradual development of civilization, the process of hair removal has been changed rapidly. From painful cold wax to using razors women have tried everything and went to any length to get the desired results. But the outcome was for a short duration and with other side effects like skin darkening, bruises etc. But with the development of laser technology now the beauty industry has been blessed with a Permanent hair removal process that is effective and free of any side effects.

The process

The permanent hair removal process should be done by a medical practitioner or a technician who is having good exposure and experience in handling laser equipment. The following are the step by step procedures of the treatment.

  • At first, the hair which is to be removed will be trimmed short just 2-4 millimetres above the skin surface.
  • A numbing lotion will be applied topically 30 minutes before the procedure.
  • The technician will adjust the settings of the laser machine according to your skin colour, hair colour, skin thickness, hair density etc.
  • An eye-protecting cover will be given to the patient and the technician will wear the same to protect the eyes from laser rays.
  • A cold gel will be applied on the surface of the skin in the treatment area
  • Then the technician will start the actual process by sending laser pulses to the treatment area using the laser device.
  • After completion of the process cooling lotion or ice pack will be used on the treated region.
  • An antibacterial or anti-inflammatory cream will be applied to the region

Benefits of Permanent Hair Removal

  • Laser technology can successfully remove dark coarse hairs to fine hairs altogether.
  • Laser devices can target selective hairs while leaving the adjacent skin undamaged.
  • It is the fastest process which can take a few minutes to hours according to the length of the treated area.

Risk & side effects:

The permanent hair removal process is associated with very few side effects which can be minimised with proper care. Getting the procedure done at a popular clinic like Diamond Skin will eliminate the risk of complexities. The skin of the treated area will be red hot like sunburned skin; frequent use of ice packs or cold compresses can ease the discomfort.

The treated area will remain very sensitive so it is advisable to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen and avoid direct sun exposure. The permanent hair removal process requires 7-9 sessions depending on their skin condition after which you will get rid of unwanted hair permanently.